Woods and Water Vacation 1908
This photo scrapbook of a vacation in northern Michigan was donated to the Little Traverse Historical Society by Dr. and Mrs. John Melin in 1995. Dr. Melin's mother was a Chicago neighbor of Mr. Mudge, the creator of the album. The donor speculates that the album might have been used as a marketing tool for the photographer to show clients his work. Mr. Mudge appears in the album several times, most prominently on page twelve with the "Stein Girls."
The Woods and Water Vacation album has candid and postcard views of Petoskey, Charlevoix, Walloon Lake, Bay View, Roaring Brook, Wequetonsing, Harbor Springs, Harbor Point, Wayagamug, the Inland Water Route aboard the Topinabee, and Mackinac Island.
The Woods and Water Vacation album has candid and postcard views of Petoskey, Charlevoix, Walloon Lake, Bay View, Roaring Brook, Wequetonsing, Harbor Springs, Harbor Point, Wayagamug, the Inland Water Route aboard the Topinabee, and Mackinac Island.